How to choose PiXiu (貔貅) to boost your wealth luck?

How to choose PiXiu (貔貅) to boost your wealth luck?

Pixiu (貔貅) is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature, a powerful protector of practitioners of Feng Shui. It resembles a strong, winged lion. Pixiu is an earth and sea variation, particularly an influential and auspicious creature for wealth. It is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold, silver and jewels. Therefore, traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu has always been regarded as an auspicious creature that possessed mystical powers capable of drawing Cai Qi (財氣 wealth) from all directions.
There are many types of PiXiu and what are the things you should look out for when you are getting one for your home.
PiXiu comes in pairs, the male, and the female. The male (left leg forward) and the female (right leg forward) have to be displayed together as a pair. Make sure that both PiXiu must not look exactly the same with the same leg forward. Also, they have to be made of the same material.
Secondly, look for PiXiu with wings. PiXiu with wings can "bite" money faster than those with no wings.
Thirdly, place a small dish of water in front of the pair of PiXiu as an offering.
PiXius are also sleepy creatures. Hence, it is good to tie a bell around the neck of PiXiu and ring the bell whenever you leave or return home. This is so to "wake" the PiXiu so they can start to look for money.
Lastly, the correct place to put your PiXiu is inside the house, directly facing the main door of your house.
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